Who makes the beer and how? How did Kőbánya become the citadel of beer production in Hungary? Are we primarily beer or wine drinkers? Was beer more the drink of the bourgeoisie or the working class? These questions are answered in the temporary travelling exhibition that has just opened, which traces the history of beer production and consumption.
Visitors will learn about beer drinking habits, medieval brewers, Czech and German brewers, the history of industrial beer production and the most important breweries still in operation today. The exhibition also gives a detailed explanation of the beer-making process, how barley is turned into malt and the difference between bottom and top fermentation. It also answers the question of whether beer was primarily a drink for the middle or working classes and how it was promoted. The exhibition will also tell the story of Sebestyén Jäger, an 18th century brewer from Kunszentmárton.
The exhibition will be open until 31 December 2023 at the Szekler Museum of Ciuc.