During the preparations for Easter, the Szekler Museum of Ciuc highlights, as the exhibit of the month, a truly special object related to Christianity. The reliquary cross from Cotormani is known as the only object of this type in Szeklerland, one of the few found in Transylvania. Made in the 11th-12th century, probably in Kievan Russia, the cross has on one side the image of the crucified Christ, and on the other, Mary with the baby Jesus (at the ends, in the medallions, we find the apostles). The cross that can be opened is missing, "of course"m the essence, the holy relic that gave strength, encouragement, protection and faith to its former wearer, but the object itself was found completely intact in the plow (!) in the small village without a single church at least, Cotormani.
Its historical significance is enormous. It proves that our region, in one way or another, was involved in the long-distance trade of the era and at the same time that the village of Cotormani, first mentioned in sources in the 16th century, already existed in the era of the Arpadian dynasty, and that a prestigious (noble?) and religious man lived there. Also, the hilt button of the sword found during the excavation in the village can also be linked to him, assuming that the village bears his name (Katurman/Kotorman, confirmed as a surname from the Arpadian dynasty era).
We invite you, along with your family and friends, to come and see this unique artifact. Happy easter!
The cross-reliquary can be admired during the month of March 2021, at the museum ticket office, from Tuesday to Sunday, daily between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Source: Botár István: Medieval finds from Cotorman. Marisia XXXI, 299-312.