
Beer bottles

That's beer! - In line with the thematic exhibition "From beer harvester to brewery", opened on October 10, this month's exhibits are four bottles of beer. They came to light at the beginning of July 2012 during the digging of ditches for the aqueduct system in Miercurea-Ciuc’s central park, together with fragments of the coat of arms on the town hall building.

Brewing in Ciuc has a long history, and most likely, homemade beer made from salted barley was the first alcoholic drink consumed by the inhabitants of the region. This fact is also confirmed by the Jesuit monk Antonio Possevino della Compagnia di Gesù, who visiting the Ciuc region in the 1580s, mentions that "the usual drinks in Ciuc are limited to beer". On Johann Konrad's 1735 map, next to Mikó Castle there is a brewery, established by the Austrian army. This brewery was probably rented and then bought by the Romfeld family, whose member named Antal was a well-known brewer. His son, Félix Romfeld, himself a brewer, the one who built the brewery on the Gymnasium Street (today Márton Áron Street), the building beeing declared a historical monument. After his death, the factory was taken over by his widow, Juliánna Leicht, after a while she rented it out and finally, in 1908, sold it to Ferenc Gál who modernized it, rebuilt it and equipped it with modern machinery.





